Monday, June 27, 2011

Austenian Irony

Keith and I had yet another discussion about Jane Austen last night.  It seems that anytime the conversation leans toward reading and literature, he always has to mention Jane Austen, as he thinks that I am a little Jane Austen obsessed.

So last night I told him that I had began reading (or, should I say, re-reading) Mansfield Park, and he scoffed.  He then said something about how none of her books are written from the view point of a man and how you never know how the MAN is feeling as the pages are dominated by women.

At that remark, I promptly got up, went to my book shelf, and pulled down Persuasion.   I flipped to the back, skimmed a couple of pages, and then read Keith Captain Wentworth's letter to Anne--the letter in which he pours his heart out and asks for a chance.  How's that for MANLY feeling?

When I checked my email this morning, I found that I had won a giveaway on BlogHer. And what did I win? A copy each of The Complete Works of Jane Austen and A Jane Austen Education, which is written by and tells of the experience and feelings of a Jane Austen-reading MAN.

I love when irony works in my favor.

P.S.  With two new books to add to my collection, I think my obsession just got worse.


Liv said...

I'm so glad you won the books!

Erin said...

I'm so glad that you could read him the letter. Great comeback.

Eliza said...

You are awesome. And rock on for winning the books!

Chelsea H. Huffaker said...

I am actually reading Pride and Prejudice right now and I totally agree with you. Mr. Darcy's feelings are definitely discussed as he begins to fall in love with Elizabeth. Tell Keith he needs to pick up a book and read it before he judges it.