Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tough Choice

I got a coupon in my email from If I act now, I can save 25% on a 6-month membership. That's not a bad deal. Now I just have to decided which is more important: a husband or that new pair of shoes?


Annie said...

Just do it, my friend just got married and that's where she met her husband...DO IT!

Megan said...

Shoes won't help you get to the celestial kingdom. Unless they're temple shoes... hmmm.

the web site's worth a try.

Erin said...

Just do it. Then you can buy new shoes later. If you want any tips, let me know. I was a pro at LDS singles in my day.

Laura said...

Well you already know how I feel!!

Chelise said...

SHOES! hands down! he he

Aly said...

That's where Zach and Shelley met. You should do it!