Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eloquence at it's Best

There is a new guy who works in Print and Mail Services. I know nothing about him; I don't know if he is married, or if he is a student, or if he is an ex-con just off parole. All I know is that he is incredibly hot and has a really cool accent.

Yesterday, he delivered something to my office. In reference to the double-copied receipt he gave me, the following conversation ensued:

Him: Sign one copy, and you can keep the other.
Me: So, I just sign on the line?

Um, hello? Of course you sign on the line, dummy.

It's a wonder I'm still single; I have such a way with words.


Chelsea H. Huffaker said...

You were just trying to prolong the time he was in your office. We've all done it before.

Nathan Meidell said...

That's funny. I usually always say exactly what I mean to say, and it will make complete sense with what I intended(speaking of social situations in general of course) except that there are fragments in my mind that never come out which are nevertheless crucial to connecting or making sense of what I am saying. I've got to make sure I voice out loud all of the steps in conversations lest I find half of it has gone on in my head alone, leaving others staring at me with a polite look and nod as they feign comprehension.