Monday, May 4, 2009

The Good News Top Ten

10. The third and final letter of recommendation was turned in, albeit a day or two late.
9. I did not forget to send in my GRE scores.
8. Speaking of GRE scores, the program director thinks mine are awesome. (She must not know that they are barely passable and that I was deathly ill when I took the test).
7. Not only does she like my scores, she thinks my GPA is amazing.
6. The stats class I took at the University of Utah WILL count, so it really doesn't matter how poorly I did in my stats class this semester.
5. Apparently, a B- is passing, though it is lower than a B.
4. Therefore, I do not have to retake my behavior analysis class.
3. Because I do not have to retake behavior analysis, I save myself $633.
2. With my final grades, I do not have to send in a USU transcript to USU.
1. My application is 100% complete.

Look out Grad School! Here I come!!!


Laura said...

All great news! Don't you love when you find out that you didn't actually need to take a class you just took and you worked your butt off?

Megan Di said...


Aly said...

You'll love grad school. I thought it was so much easier than regular college.

If you still want to be a school counselor I still think you need to come and spend a day with me at work. Come on Jill, think of how much fun we would have.

I'm actually not as tainted as I have been in the past. So, I will no longer deter you from the profession. I actually really like my job now. Wow, who would have imagined?